Monday, April 21, 2008

Wha! Wha!

Can I just say......I am ready for a blue sky, warm sand and water holiday.....I know, I am having a pity party for myself right now!!!!!! But, If I could be anywhere right now? Snorkeling somewhere hot and then sipping tropical drinks while bathing in the sun the rest of the day. MMMMM......There I feel better already. Now off to do the dishes, laundry etc......


Marathon Maiden said...

I know exactly how you feel. I am longing for a bit of sun, sand and swimsuits!

Deborama said...

Oh my GAJEEBERS! where did you come from! I LOVE seeing your family, it has been long they have grown! YOu are amazing! I miss you, this will be fun to feel like I can keep up with you again by stocking your blog! :) Yea!

Megan said...

HI. I'm sooo glad you commented on my blog! I've been thinking about you. Especially since I'll be back there for a short 6 mo. probably starting at the end of June? or whenever kip and Gigi finish their house.