Sunday, April 27, 2008

Got Botox?

Nice! Peter was stung by a bee. He went into the house to get ready for home teaching(how did you know it was the end of the month?) and five minutes later I saw him and he looked like this! Jens came home from Home teaching and we got his reaction.


lissiemarie said...

Oh....that looks like it hurts! It really is amazing it swelled up so fast.

Megan said...

that is soo sad looking but it does really look like those crazy ladies who do too much botox!

Deborama said...

Ouch! I'll remember if I ever want plump juicy lips I'll go out to a bee field. That looks way better than collagen! I didn't know you had girl surgery! :( Scary, do you still need some chicken noodle soup months and months later?